Last Updated: 2024.04.02.

Infant Scientist
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Matsushima, N. & Takahashi, K. (2015, Oct.). Correlation between body type and life style of elementary school children and their Baum Test results. 10th ISPCAN Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Kuala Lumpur.
Norimatsu, H., Blin, R., Hashiya, k., Sorsana, C., & Kobayashi, H. (2014, Jul.). Understanding of other's knowledge in French and Japanese 16-38 month-olds : a new task of disambiguation in speech acts. International Conference on Infant Studies, Berlin.
Meng, X. & Hashiya, K. (2014, Jul.). 15-month-old infants spontaneously inform the "New one" for the other. 2014 International Conference on Infant Studies, Berlin.
Murakami, T., & Hashiya, K. (2012, Jan.). "How about this?" Contexual inference about the ambiguous referent in children. Workshop on Evolution, Culture, and Reasoning, Kyoto.
Ishikawa, K. & Hashiya, K. (2012, Jan.). Children's bias on detecting the social impact of one action on the other's action: the effect of expression of speech act. Workshop on Evolution, Culture, and Reasoning, Kyoto.
Ishikawa, K. & Hashiya, K. (2011, Jun. 9-12). Interpretation of Utterances based on Interactive Sequences: Experimental Comparisons between 6-year-olds and adults. 15th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC15th), Kyoto University.
Murakami, T. & Hashiya, K. (2011, Jun. 9-12). Development of Contextual Inference about the Ambiguous Referent in Other's Utterance: Experimental comparison between 3- and 5-year-old children. 15th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC15th). Kyoto University.
Kusumoto H, Sakurai G, Hashiya K (2009, Oct. 1-3) Communitive behavior reflecting the perception of other's cognitive environment in infancy. Joint Attention: Developments in Philosophy of Mind, Developmental and Comparative Psychology, and Cognitive Science., Bentley University, Greater Boston, USA.
Kobayash,i H. & Hashiya, K. (2009, Oct. 1-3). The gaze that grooms: Contribution of social factors to the evolution of human eye Morphology. Joint Attention: Developments in Philosophy of Mind, Developmental and Comparative Psychology, and Cognitive Science., Bentley University, Greater Boston, USA.
Sakaguchi, S., Kobayashi, H., Hashiya, K. (2009, Oct. 1-3). The direct gaze as a positive reinforcer for 6-7-month-old infants. Joint Attention: Developments in Philosophy of Mind, Developmental and Comparative Psychology, and Cognitive Science., Bentley University, Greater Boston, USA.
Kusumoto, H. (2009, Dec. 19-20). Communitive behavior reflecting the perception of other's cognitive environment in infancy. Symposium of Cooperative Reseach Program 2009: 5th International Inuyama Comparative Sicial Cognition Symposium (iCS2:5) Primate Reseach Institute, Kyoto University, Inuyama, Japan.
Sakurai, G. & Hashiya, K. (2008, June). Sex difference in preference for similar speech pattern in humans and its adaptive function. Human Behavior and Evolution Society. 20th. Annual Conference, Kyoto.